Smoked BLT Dip Recipe

Smoked BLT Dip Recipe

If you’re a BLT lover, this appetizer is for you! Smoke infuse cream cheese and bacon for a touch of added flavor, combined with diced tomatoes and lettuce to build the perfect chip dip recipe for your next party.

Why This Recipe Works

Leveled Up BLT Dip: Don’t get me wrong, regular BLT dip is delicious! But this smoked BLT dip takes things to a whole new level! The cream cheese and bacon are both smoked for an infusion of irresistible flavor! Packed into a delicious dippable dish, it has all your favorite flavors of a BLT (bacon, lettuce, and tomato) sandwich!

Appetizer Perfection: I am a total dip fanatic. Dips are my absolute go-to appetizer, especially when I am hosting a get-together! This smoked BLT dip is guaranteed to be a favorite among guests at your next party. What isn’t to love? The creamy base is combined with tomatoes, bacon, green onions, and lettuce, and I topped it off with even more just for good measure. Let’s start dipping!

Smoked BLT Dip Recipe served in a serving bowl.

Supplies Needed

  • Wire Rack
  • Foil Pan
  • Cast Iron Skillet
  • Mixing Bowl

Dip Ingredients

  • Cream Cheese: You have to use blocked cream cheese here! It is best for smoking and will keep its shape in the smoker.
  • Bacon: I like to smoke the bacon to crispy perfection and crumble it myself.
  • Sour Cream: Sour cream will be mixed with creamy cheese and mayo to add a slightly tangy flavor.
  • Mayo: Mayo makes the texture of this dip perfect (and keeps on theme with the BLT sandwich vibes)! You can use low-fat mayo if you prefer.
  • Mozzarella: Shredded mozzarella cheese is added for an extra level of flavor and gives this dip a little more bulk in my opinion (even though it’s not a classic BLT ingredient).
  • Italian Seasoning: Italian seasoning adds some herby goodness here! You can use dried or fresh herbs if desired.
  • Garlic Powder: Add garlic powder to this smoked BLT dip for a depth of savory flavor. I prefer dried over fresh for this recipe so it’s not too overpowering but adds some subtle flavor to the smoked cream cheese mixture.
  • Salt & Pepper: Added to taste (this is what is pictured over the top of the smoked cream cheese block as well).
  • Tomatoes: Diced tomatoes are folded into the dip and placed on top to ensure you get juicy bursts in every bite!
  • Green Onions: Green onions add texture and flavor here.
  • Romaine Lettuce: This is the “L” part of a BLT, and adds a perfectly lovely crunch while brightening the flavor of this dip. I wasn’t sure how well lettuce would hold up long-term in this dip but it didn’t get soggy. I do not suggest using iceberg for this as it has a much higher water count and could make the dip watery as well.
Smoked BLT Dip Recipe ingredients

Smoke Infusing Cream Cheese

  1. Preheat & Prep: Preheat the smoker to 225 F. Remove the cold cream cheese from the wrapper and lightly score the top in a cross hatch pattern. Place it onto the foil pan or in a cast iron skillet. Make sure you are working with a cold block of cream cheese straight from the fridge for best results. You can learn more about how to smoke cream cheese from the full recipe article as well.
  2. Prep Bacon: Prepare the bacon by placing the slices onto a wire rack over a foil pan (to catch the drippings). I bent mine a bit to get it to all fit on the pan, but it can be laid straight across as well.
  3. Smoke: Add the cream cheese and the bacon to the smoker and smoke for about 2-2.5 hours or until the bacon is cooked to your liking and the cream cheese has taken on a smoky golden color and forms a skin. If the bacon isn’t getting as crispy as you prefer, remove the cream cheese and increase the grill temperature for a few minutes to finish it off.
  4. Remove & Cool: Remove both and let them cool to room temperature. Place thebacon onto a paper towel lined plate to remove excess grease. To cool the cream cheese quickly, you can place it in the fridge for 15-20 minutes. Just make sure it’s soft and spreadable (room temperature) and doesn’t get so cold it completely resolidifies).
Smoke Infused Cream Cheese

Building the BLT Dip

  1. Combine Base: To a bowl, add the cooled cream cheese, sour cream, mayo, and shredded cheese.
  2. Season: Add in the garlic powder, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning.
  3. Prep Veggies: Prepare the diced tomatoes, green onion, and lettuce. Additionally, chop or crumble the smoked bacon. Reserve a few tablespoons of each for garnishing at the end if desired.
  4. Mix: Fold in the tomatoes, green onion, bacon and lettuce. Mix well until fully combined and place the dip in the desired serving bowl.
  5. Garnish & Serve: Garnish with the reserved toppings and serve with grilled or toasted French bread (perfect for the full BLT effect). It also pairs great with potato chips, pretzels, and crackers, too!
Assembling the BLT dip

Serving BLT Dip

I recommend serving this smoked BLT dip with a variety of dipping options. It goes with pretty much anything! I love it with toasted French bread since it is most like a BLT sandwich. But you can serve this dip with potato chips, pretzels, and crackers. For a fresh take, try serving it with fresh veggies like cucumbers, carrots, and celery, or a roasted crudite platter!

If you are feeding a crowd and want a spread of appetizers, definitely serve your BLT sandwich dip alongside some additional party favorites like mini hot dog sliders and smoked sausage burnt ends!

Storage and Preparation Tips

  • To make smoked BLT dip ahead of time, smoke infuse the cream cheese 1-2 days prior and keep it in the fridge until you are ready to make the dip. Just be sure to bring the cream cheese to room temperature before mixing it with the other ingredients for the best results.
  • Store any leftover BLT dip in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 days!
  • I don’t recommend freezing any leftover dip, since the textures will be altered and it will not be the same after thawing.
Smoked BLT Dip Recipe served in a serving bowl with chips and bread on the side.

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Smoked BLT Dip Recipe

Smoked BLT Dip Recipe

If you're a BLT lover, this appetizer is for you! Smoke infuse cream cheese and bacon for a touch of added flavor, combined with diced tomatoes and lettuce to build the perfect chip dip recipe for your next party.
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Course: Appetizer, BBQ, Grilling
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Smoked BLT Dip Recipe, Smoked Cream Cheese Recipes
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
Servings: 4 cups
Calories: 650kcal
Author: Bon Appeteach


  • 8 oz Cream Cheese start with very cold cream cheese
  • 8 slices Bacon
  • 1 cup Sour Cream
  • 2 tbsp Mayo
  • 1 cup Mozzarella shredded
  • 2 tsp Italian Seasoning
  • 1 tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Black Pepper
  • 1 cup Tomatoes diced small, seeds removed
  • 6 Green Onions sliced small
  • 2 cups Romaine Lettuce finely shredded


Smoke Infusing Cream Cheese & Bacon

  • Preheat the smoker to 225 F.
  • Remove the cold cream cheese from the wrapper and lightly score the top in a cross hatch pattern. Place it onto a foil pan or in cast iron skillet.
  • Prepare the bacon by placing the slices onto a wire rack over a foil pan (to catch the drippings).
  • Add the cream cheese and the bacon to the smoker and smoke for about 2-2.5 hours or until the bacon is cooked to your liking and the cream cheese has taken on a smoky golden color and forms a skin.
  • Remove both and let them cool to room temperature.

Assembling the BLT Dip

  • To a bowl, add the cooled cream cheese, sour cream, mayo, and shredded cheese.
  • Add in the garlic powder, salt, pepper, and the Italian seasoning.
  • Prepare the diced tomatoes, green onion, and lettuce. Additionally, chop or crumble the smoked bacon. Reserve a few tablespoons of each for garnishing at the end if desired.
  • Fold in the tomatoes, green onion, bacon and lettuce. Mix well until full combine and place the dip in the desired serving bowl.
  • Garnish with the reserved toppings and serve with grilled or toasted french bread (perfect for the full BLT effect). It also pairs great with potato chips, pretzels, and crackers too.


Want to plan ahead? Smoke infuse the cream cheese 1-2 days prior and keep it chilled in the fridge. Just bring it to room temperature before assembling the dip for best results. 


Serving: 1batch | Calories: 650kcal | Carbohydrates: 13g | Protein: 18g | Fat: 59g | Saturated Fat: 27g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 8g | Monounsaturated Fat: 18g | Trans Fat: 0.1g | Cholesterol: 142mg | Sodium: 1.318mg | Potassium: 492mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 6g | Vitamin A: 3.868IU | Vitamin C: 10mg | Calcium: 355mg | Iron: 1mg

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